Comedienne Joan Rivers often jokes that she has had so much work done on her face (including a facelift or two or three) that her grandson calls her “nanny new face.”

While Rivers is an extremist when it comes to plastic surgery, other celebrities have also turned to facelifts to keep them looking as young as they feel.

We typically only notice celebrities who have had bad facelifts – the ones that are pulled way too tight. Many have had facelifts only you would not know it by looking at them. This is largely due to the fact that the results are so natural and the celebs and their respective surgeons are so discreet.

Sam (Samieh) S. Rizk, M.D., F.A.C.S. a double board-certified New York City Facial Plastic Surgeon and Director of Manhattan Facial Plastic Surgery, is known globally for his subtle enhancements along with his rapid recovery protocols – both of which make him a favorite among celebrities and the rest of us.

For the most part, minimally invasive procedures including radiofrequency, ultrasound technology, neurotoxins, and fillers have helped forestall the need for facelifts, but this surgical procedure still remains a popular one and for good reason, seems to be on the rise.

Many factors can affect the way and the speed in which the face ages. These include genes, personal habits such as smoking, weight gain, and loss, the pull of gravity and sun exposure. The only proven procedure to correct all of these factors is the facelift.

Even though a facelift adjusts the signs of aging on the face, a man or a woman – celebrity or regular citizen – does not have to be old to undergo a facelift. On the contrary, Dr. Rizk often sees women and men in their 40s or 50s for facelift consultation and surgery. For many of today’s actors and actresses, this time frame remains the pinnacle of their career.

Dr. Rizk is acutely aware that individuals – regardless of whether they have their own talk show or are stay-at-home moms- want to look better, and more refreshed, not overly and overtly “done.”


Woman's face, Before and after facelift treatment, front view


Quicker Recovery, Less Downtime

Dr. Rizk performs many different types of facelifts. The process begins with a consultation during which he will evaluate your face and neck, and listen to your concerns and goals. He will also consider how much downtime you are willing to accept before making a recommendation.

Each lift is tailored to the individual, but the goals are always the same: a natural, long-lasting result with the most rapid recovery. Lifts mainly differ by length of incision and depth. Dr. Rizk’s technique and the technology he uses sets him apart from other facial plastic surgeons. For starters, he goes deep under the muscles in the face to slide them into their original youthful position. Once deeper tissue is lifted, the excess skin is trimmed. Lifting skin alone will result in a tight look and the effects don’t last. Going under the muscle results in less bruising and swelling than more superficial lifts. The age-defying results of Dr. Rizk’s lifts also last around 10 years because of their depth. Whatsmore, scars heal better because there is no tension on the superficial layers and skin.


Facelift Innovations Pioneered by Dr. Rizk

Dr. Rizk has pioneered the use of high definition 3-D telescopes that empower him to visualize face and neck structures through the incisions. This crystal clear imagery enhances precision and helps improve the safety profile of the procedure.

Another technique that makes him a favorite for celebrities is his approach to scars. No celebrity wants a telltale scar and neither do the rest of us. Dr. Rizk hides scars inside of each ear, which allows individuals to wear their hair up after surgery with no visible evidence.

Dr. Rizk also uses Endotine Ribbon and tissue glues in all of his facelifts. He was the first surgeon to use this ribbon in the deep plane facelift and neck lift to attach tissue to tissue or tissue to bone instead of sutures or screws. This lessens bruising, pain, and swelling compared with conventional surgical techniques. In addition, he suggests various vitamins and herbal supplements to help accelerate recovery.

Taken all together, this means that individuals will be back to their real or reel life sooner, no-one will be able to tell they have had a facelift, and the outcome will last longer.


Contact us to schedule your consultation with Dr. Rizk today.