10 days after upper and lower eyelid surgery
*Results may vary.
History 39 yo wife of nyc plastic surgeon Dr. Ryan Neinstein underwent upper and lower blepharoplasty for redundant skin and bags shown at different stages of healing. Last 2 pictures patient sent 1 month after.
*Results may vary.
1 week post upper blepharoplasty
*Results may vary.
52 yo patient shown 6 weeks after upper blepharoplasty to clean out upper eyelid skin in a natural way.
*Results may vary.
32 yo patient who underwent blepharoplasty and lateral browlift to make eyes more even and reduce excess eyelid skin conservatively. Note right brow is lower before and has more excess eyelid skin and more even after.
*Results may vary.
53 year old female with upper and lower redundant skin and fat. Patient also had a lateral brow ptosis. Patient is shown 1 year after upper and lower laser blepharoplasty and a lateral partial endoscopic browlift. Now hidden scars and a natural upper and lower eyelid position. Also note a lack of eyelid hollowness seen with older eyelift techniques without the laser.
*Results may vary.
63 year old patient shown 6 months after upper and lower transconjunctival eyelift plus laser skin resurfacing to the lower eyelid.
*Results may vary.
50 year old female wanted facial rejuvenation. Patient underwent a facelift/necklift as well as upper and lower eyelift, endoscopic partial browlift and fraxel-co2 laser full face. Patient is shown post surgery at 6 weeks. There is still some residual swelling but note definition achieved in jawline and cheek region.
*Results may vary.
43 year old female with asymmetical eyebrows also concerned about redundant skin above her eyes and wrinkled lower eyelid skin with mild fat pads. Patient shown 1 year after upper and lower eyelift and a partial lateral browlift.
*Results may vary.
60 year old female shown 2 years after upper and lower blepharoplasty for eyelids.
*Results may vary.
55 year old female shown 2 weeks after facelift/necklift/chin implant/upper and lower blepharoplasty/laser around eyes and mouth and rhinoplasty. Patient is shown early after surgery with some swelling and pinkness where laser was performed but no bruising.
*Results may vary.
53 year old female shown 6 months after upper and lower eyelift surgery.
*Results may vary.
54 year old patient shown 2 years post surgery after bilateral lower revision eyelift to correct a pulled down eye.
*Results may vary.
42 year old patient shown post surgery with upper and lower eyelift surgery.
*Results may vary.
54 year old interior designer shown 2 years after lower blepharoplasty. Patient had baggy eyelids from fat removed as well as lower eyelid laser resurfacing to tighten the skin.
*Results may vary.
55 year old male who had concerns regarding his upper eyelid hooding and is shown 1 week postsurgery after his upper blepharoplasty. Patient is still swollen but the eyelid crease is more visible. Note incisions are performed differently in men to hide scar better as no makeup is usually used afterwards.
*Results may vary.
56 year old patient who underwent upper blepharoplasty and lower transconjunctival blepharoplasty with external skin resurfacing with fraxel_co2 laser. Note patient is shown early in postoperative period and is still slightly swollen. The lower lid incision was inside eyelid, avoiding an external incision. Additionally, very conservative fat removal with laser was done in lower lid to avoid the hollow look. Some fat from the lower lid was redraped into the line below the baggy area to prevent that older hollow look. The laser addresses the wrinkled poor quality skin which cannot be improved with a regular skin-removal blepharoplasty alone. Also by avoiding excision of lower eyelid skin, you avoid a malpositioning (lowering) of the lower lid.
*Results may vary.
45 yo female who has bags and wrinkles under her eyes and redundant upper eyelid skin. Patient underwent upper and lower blepharoplasty and lower eyelid fractionated CO2 laser resurfacing. Patient is shown 1 year after surgery. It is important to note an eyelift (blepharoplasty) does not reduce wrinkles around the eye and this is where the role of laser is to reduce the wrinkles. An eyelift removes redundant skin and reduces excess fat.
*Results may vary.
54 yo female who had excess skin above her eyes more on the right who underwent upper blepharoplasty bilateral.
*Results may vary.
*Results may vary.
Patient is 52 yo female shown 6 weeks after upper blepharoplasty and lower eyelid laser resurfacing for redundant upper eyelid skin : note patient cannot see the eye shadow in before picture due to excess skin.
*Results may vary.
Awards & Certifications
Dr Rizk In The Media
By Dr. Sam S. Rizk, M.D., FACS.
Dr. Rizk is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty surgery and a recognized expert on the latest advances in facial plastic surgery techniques. He performs a range of facial plastic surgeries at his New York practice.