The nose is an important feature of the face. A well-defined nose can make the face more attractive. You may have chosen to have a nose job if you weren’t happy about the shape, size, angle of your nose or your nose was damaged in an accident. However, what should you do if you aren’t happy with the results of the procedure? This article is about finding the right surgeon after a botched nose job in New York.

What if Your First Nose Job was a Botched Nose Job?

In a small percentage of cases, a first nose job (rhinoplasty) can lead to undesired results and complications. You may feel that you don’t look like yourself anymore, you may even regret having had this first nose job. In some cases, the nose may not function well, resulting in breathing difficulty or a runny nose. The good news is that a botched nose job can usually be fixed with revision rhinoplasty. However, the key to successful NYC revision rhinoplasty is finding the right surgeon after a botched nose job.

NYC Revision Rhinoplasty in New York

A nose job reshapes and resizes your nose intending to create a straighter, less distracting, or more symmetrical look. However, some deformities may develop after a nose job because the plastic surgeon made a miscalculation during the procedure or in predicting the healing of the nose. Finding the right surgeon after a botched nose job in New York is the first step to the solution. For example, NYC revision rhinoplasty expert Dr. Sam Rizk can correct a botched nose job including the following issues:

  • Over and under correction
  • Nasal abnormalities
  • Polly beak deformity
  • Asymmetrical nostrils
  • Deviated tip
  • Extreme curvature in profile
  • Runny nose
  • Breathing difficulties

Finding the Right Surgeon After a Botched Nose Job

If a first nose job did not provide the aesthetic results you were looking for, you may want to choose the surgeon for your revision rhinoplasty extra carefully. Following are some important factors to consider when choosing a surgeon for revision rhinoplasty after a botched nose job:

  • Training: choose a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon or a plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty surgery.
  • Before and after pictures: ask for pictures 6-12 months post-surgery to see final results.
  • Reviews: Look for reviews from patients that already had revision rhinoplasty.
  • Rhinoplasty expertise: ask how many nose jobs and revision nose jobs the NYC surgeon has performed in the past. Over 50 rhinoplasties a year shows a good level of expertise.
  • Consultation: book the first consultation, get more information, ask all of your questions and notice if you feel comfortable with the surgeon. Trust is an important factor.

Why Choose Dr. Rizk to Revise your Botched Nose Job in New York?

New York double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Rizk specializes in the face and the nose. As a rhinoplasty expert in New York, he uses innovative techniques and performs hundreds of rhinoplasties per year. Dr. Rizk is dedicated to creating the most natural and symmetrical looking results with the shortest amount of recovery time. His patients come to his New York office from all kinds of backgrounds and ethnicities. Dr. Rizk is trained to handle both the medical and aesthetic part of a rhinoplasty. His main goal with revision rhinoplasty is to give his patients the results they wanted the first time around. For more information, book an appointment today.